Welcome to the Science page
Science is definitely not my strong area of teaching. With the exception of my first year of teaching, I've pretty much gotten away with not having to teach it, but it's a fascinating subject for students especially if they have a good teacher. Here are a few links to help you get started with using the internet in your science classes.
Dr. Science, is the home of America's foremost authoritarian
on the world around us. Or at least the world around him. "There
is a thin line between ignorance and arrogance," he says, "and
only I have managed to erase that line." Weird site, check it
out. Dr. Science is heard daily on radio stations throughout America
and the world.
Awesome Science Teacher Resources,
is an amazing site of a teacher's 37 years of experience. Great resources. Site of the week
Science Projects, is an introductory level guide presenting
basic information for doing a science project. I wish that I had
this information when I was a schoolboy.
is a great site about the core ideas in chemistry. There is just an amazing amount of information on this site.
Elements: An Online, Interactive Periodic Table of the Elements,
is very interesting. Do you know what a noble gas is? Me either,
but you can find out at this site.
Cool Science,
looks really impressive. It is from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and has resources for kids and students.
Dynamic Periodic Table,
is an interactive periodic table. Click on an element and find out all about it. I've used this and loved it.
Science is the host for world records in earth science. Find
out the deepest place on the planet, the hottest place, and lots
more. Interesting stuff.
The Exploratorium This is a science museum online since 1993.
This site has over 15000 pages exploring hundreds of topics. This
site is connected with the Exploratorium in San Francisco. There
are a lot of activities and concepts to explore in both math and
science. A very interesting site especially for middle and high
school students.
Dinosaur Pictures,
is a site where you can get illustrations of a wide variety of
dinosaurs. If you happen to be one of those primary teachers
who do a dinosaur unit, this is a great resource.
Forensics in the Classroom,
is a website created in collaboration with the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and the National Science Teachers Association. You will find free teaching units for Middle School and High School students. Students work with forensic-based mysteries using scientific concepts and basic lab activities that are aligned with national curriculum standards. There are five stand-alone units. Check this out it seems incredibly cool.
is a great site for teachers working on a unit on genetics. This site is full of information for teachers including lesson plans.
Heredity and Traits,
comes from the University of Utah. Lots of information for teachers along with activities. I've used this site and found it very valuable.
Science Center,is a small site created by the Ontario Science
Center. Click on the Science Zone and you will get some cool stuff
The Periodic Table, has cool information for teachers to use today on The Periodic Table.
has a list of experiments that you can do at home or at school. Great for the science teacher without a stock of good, simple experiments.
Science Demonstrations: 40 Demos to Make Science Come Alive,
has some great demos to do with your students from grade 2 up through grade 12. Cool stuff.
Science Fair Projects,
is the portal for a website filled with science fair project ideas and resources. You can find just about anything that you need here for science projects for elementary, middle and high school students.
The Science Spot: Science Classroom,
is a site full of lesson plans for the science teacher. Good for all grade levels. I wish that I had known about this place when I was teaching science.
StarChild: A Learning Center for Young Astronomers, is a service of the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC), Dr. Alan Smale (Director), within the Astrophysics Science Division (ASD) at NASA/ GSFC. It's pretty cool. My son who loves anything about space uses this site even though he is still working on developing his English skills. You can find out the solar system, space stuff, the universe and more. There are activities for students so you can use this in class. Kids can use it for research. This is a great site.
Monster, is put out by the Cool Math folks. You can learn
about the earth, the solar system, gravity and much more.
Teacher Vision: Wildlife Lessons, Printables, & Activities (K-12),
has a lot of cool stuff about wildlife that is immediately usable in the classroom, but this is a pay site. You do get a free seven day trial though, so check it out.
Home Page, is just what the title says. There are resources for students and teachers. The site has videos, photos, podcasts and much more.
Peshette's Fun and Games for Thinking Students, has a whole
range of sites that cover topics including art, math, science
and sound.
Try Science, is a gateway to experience the excitement of
contemporary science and technology through on and offline interactivity
with science and technology centers worldwide. You can find information
on science museums around the world. I found information on one
in Jakarta. This site also has a live cam which might amuse some
of your younger students for a few minutes.
Zoo Matchmaker,
gives students a chance to work with genetics on some tigers in a zoo. Lots of fun and a good way to learn about genetic diversity.