Welcome to the Indonesian Links page
Over the past 19 years, I have lived on three different islands in Indonesia: Bali, Papua and Sumbawa. What follows are websites about the rest of this fascinating country. Some of these sites are found on other pages here - for example, anthropology and social studies, but I thought that as those pages increase in size, people looking for only information about Indonesia will not necessarily find it and the purpose of this site is to disseminate information in as clear and easy a manner as possible. This page will most likley grow in size quickly so I will try to list sites here according to the relevant island.
Indonesia, is part of the AsianInfo.org site. This page has
links to a variety of topics of interest to those living in, studying,
or planning to visit Indonesia. This site looks promising, but
I haven't had much time to explore what it offers. AsianInfo.org
says about its site: "AsianInfo.org is devoted to introducing
Asian culture, traditions and general information to the world
through our website. We believe each country in Asia is unique
and beautiful with a lot to offer the world. Believing in this
is our motivation. The world needs to be more cognizant of Asia
and the internet revolution is the best way to connect globally."
They further note: "Our goal for this website is to focus on giving
impartial and useful information on each country/region. To achieve
this objective, viewers of our website are part of our information
resource. That is why we have a Message Board, which are forums
designed to allow our viewers to state their opinions and send
information." Sounds good, so check it out.
BII, is the English
language home of Bank Internasional Indonesia. It has a nicely
designed web site which appears easy to use. Unfortunately we
don't have a branch anywhere near us here.
Beginnings to
1500: Ancient Kingdoms and the Coming of Islam , is one page
of the Sejarah Indonesia website. This page covers up to 1500
and is a nice outline of Indonesian history. Check out the rest
of the web site as well.
Online Feature , is the English language home of Bank Negara
Indonesia. You can find out about BNI's services and how to use
foto-foto.com, is an
image resource. You can find over 1,600 photos of Indonesia for
teachers and students to use free of charge.
Indahnesia.com , is an
independent website on Indonesia with a wealth of information
about almost everywhere in the country. Very interesting website.
It has a forum as well.
Indonesia Country
Studies , has links to a multitude of topics about Indonesia.
The actual pages themselves are not long or very detailed, but
they serve as a good introduction to Indonesian Studies for the
new student. The information is suitable for Middle School students
and up.
Indonesian Publications Homepage,
has a mass of links about Indonesia. I recognize one from an anthropologist
I met during my days in Papua so the rest of these are most likely
academic articles about Indonesia. There is a wealth of information
here that I will be going through on my next vacation.
Indonesian Publications
Homepage-Panel 2, has another group of links about Indonesia.
Great stuff.
Inside Indonesia, is a
quarterly magazine for general readers on the people of Indonesia
- their culture, politics, economy and environment. You can only
access selected articles.
Java, the main island in Indonesia,
calls itself an orientation to the culture and traditions of Java.
It actually is a good source for information about a Javanese
wedding of a Westerner and a Javanese woman. The text is difficult
to read on this site, and I hope that the designer works on issues
of readability so that it is easier to find out about Javanese
wedding traditions.
JobsDB.com, is a site where you can look for jobs in Indonesia. Most of these jobs are for Indonesian nationals, but occasionally there are jobs posted for expats.
in Indonesia, A Site for Expatriates, is an excellent
site for those living, or planning on living in Indonesia, especially
in Jakarta.
is an interesting site that has a map of Indonesia and a lot of
factual data about the country. This site also has the same type
of information for many other countries.
Indonesia - Culture - History of Indonesia, is another one
of these personal websites about Indonesia that have an incredible
amount of information in them. They have this to say about themselves:
"Network Indonesia started as the personal homepage of Jon Pauwels
in 1995 and just kept growing. Originally, the site was located
at Globe, but we had such a limited server-space that we were
forced to move to Skynet. In 1998 we met Dirk Oeghoede, an Indonesian
artists who lived and worked in Antwerp at that time. Together
we set up a virtual art gallery for Indonesian Contemporary Art.
We are very proud about this project, because it is the only serious
attempt to give information about Indonesian Modern Art on the
internet. Other, related sites, usually focus on traditional Indonesian
Arts like court dance, batik, wayang or gamelan. Network Indonesia
is still just a personal homepage, but we are going strong and
have a steadily growing amount of visitors who send lots of feedback."
North Sulawesi , is a well
written site by the North Sulawesi Tourist Promotion Board. There
is a lot of good information on this site about the history, culture,
and geography of North Sulawesi. You can also find the basic tourist
info about places to stay, shopping, how to get there and more.
Statistics Indonesia, is a good place to start looking if you want to get statistical information on Indonesia. This site is a valuable resource for the person researching Indonesia.
The Anthropology of the Mentawai Islands,
Sumatra, Indonesia, is a fascinating site about these small
islands off Sumatra.
Travel 2 Indonesia
(Temples)- is a site about Borobudur and Prambanan. This site
has a lot of information about these temples. I've used this site
as a resource for my Middle School students and their projects
on Indonesian culture.
- Wide Web Virtual Library: Indonesia, is a set of links about
Indonesian society and culture.