Welcome to the Mathematics page
I didn't start out as a math teacher many years ago when I landed my first non-university teaching position. I was a 6th Grade classroom teacher, but somehow over the years, I became known as a math specialist. To tell the truth, it's my favorite subject to teach because math is everywhere, and I just love finding it everywhere. This page is one of the most widely visited of all the cyberbali.com pages because my students regularly used it. I hope that you will too.
Algebra, is a group of algebra resources at the AAA Math site. This page includes an Algebra worksheet generator, some interactive algebra games and other resources. Check it out.
Algebra, is another web page with a group of links to algebra sites including "Algebra fun with calendars" and many others.
All Elementary
Mathematics - Study Guide - Algebra, is list of algebra topics
and links to help about these topics. I haven't checked out the
links yet, but they look promising.
Internet Resources for Algebra, has links for lessons, tutorials, software and more. This is a very useful resource.
Just Math Tutorials, is a great site with videos that take students step-by-step through solving a variety of calculus problems. This site is just so perfect for teachers to have as a resource that it is listed on this page under several categories. There are also videos on factoring, trig, statistics, algebra and arithmatic.
Just Math Tutorials, is a great site with videos that take students step-by-step through solving a variety of calculus problems. This site is just so perfect for teachers to have as a resource that it is listed on this page under several categories. There are also videos on factoring, trig, statistics, algebra and arithmatic.
Cynthia Lanius's Lessons:
Geometry Online, has links to activities for middle school
and high school geometry students.
General Elementary Sites
Count Us In
are math games for younger students. Cute and engaging.
Math Standards - 3rd Grade Student Performance Skills has a very impressive annotated collection of links to math sites for third grade students which are organized according to skills. Very easy to use.
This link will take you to the general grade level help page. From there you can move to the grade level that you want.
General Math Sites
A+ Math, is a site for helping
students develop their math skills online. This site has a math
game room, flashcards, and a math word find puzzle. You can also
create your own flashcards and worksheets to print out and work
on offline. There is also a homework helper for students to use
to check their solutions to their math homework. Games are in
Java and non-Java version and cover addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division.
AAA Math, is a site that has math
resources for students from Kindergarten to Grade 8. There are
interactive lessons for students and lesson plans for teachers,
as well as a number of resources for math teachers. Some of the
contents covered by this site are fractions, percents, geometry,
estimation, exponents, decimals, multiplication, money and much
Cool Math 4 Kids,
is a wild little site that has a variety of math activities with
the aim of making math fun. There's math for kids as young as
the 3-5 age group. Other areas of this site are: fractals, fraction
lessons, geometry, jigsaw puzzles, games and other things. This
is site work a look.
is a forum about math. I just discovered this so I haven't had time to check it out. More later.
Fractions! Fraction Math
Worksheets has an enormous list of fraction material. This
is the place to go if you are working on fractions.
Fun Mathematics Lessons
by Cynthia Lanius has a variety of activities for children
of various ages. Not quite as much fun as some of the things to
do at Cool Math, but interesting nonetheless.
Funbrain.com Math Baseball,
is a place to practice your math skills in a fun way. You can
play this baseball game with fractions as well as whole numbers.
Mathematics Activities, is a site filled with things to do
for math students of all ages. Some of the topics are: algebra,
arithmetic, geometry, logic, fractals, probability, calculas,
and more. Most of the problems here are difficult.
Just Math Tutorials, is a great site with videos that take students step-by-step through solving a variety of calculus problems. This site is just so perfect for teachers to have as a resource that it is listed on this page under several categories. There are also videos on factoring, trig, statistics, algebra and arithmatic.
Math Central, is an internet
service for math teachers and students from grades K-12. There
is a resource room where teachers can exchange ideas, lesson plans,
and resources. The resource room has a search engine to help you
get what you need quickly and effeciently. This site is available
in French and English.
Math Forum has resources for
K-12 and college teachers and has the ask dr. math page.
Math in Daily Life,
is web site that explores how math is used in daily life. There
is really no interactivity here, but this would be a good site
to use in response to that old question, "Why do we have to learn
Mathematics is another
collection of math sites with some annotated. This site really
has a wide variety of sites.
Mathwork -- on-line math worksheet
generator, is another site where you can go to generate math
worksheets for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
measurement, time, fractions, and graphing.
Multiflyer, is a very
cool Flash game for learning the times tables. I want to be able
to make something like this.
Numbers, has information
about the numbers 1-30, or a page for each day of the month. I
like the concept.
Superkids Math Worksheet
Creator, is the place to go to make worksheets on addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, rounding, and
greater than and less than.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,
is the home for the United States organization of math teachers.
Welcome to the Math League specializes
in math contests, books and computer software meant to stimulate
interest in mathematics for students from 4th grade through high
school. There are some excellent possibilities here.
General Middle School Sites
Figure This! Math Challenges for
Families is a site produced by the National Council of Teachers
of Mathematics. You can find mathematical challenges for middle
school students that they can do at home with their families.
Each challenge includes: a description of the important math involved,
a note on where the math is used in the real world, a hint to
get started, complete solutions, a "Try This" section, additional
related problems with answers, questions to think about, fun facts
related to the math, and resources for further exploration. Topics
that are covered include; algebra, geometry, measurement, number,
statistics and probability. Check this site out.
Fun Pi Facts is a site with just what the title says, some fun facts about that wonderful Pi. Great for a little fun with your students if they are studying Pi.
Interactive Mathematics
Miscellany and Puzzles, has a group of links about mathematics.
For use by older students.
Just Math Tutorials, is a great site with videos that take students step-by-step through solving a variety of calculus problems. This site is just so perfect for teachers to have as a resource that it is listed on this page under several categories. There are also videos on factoring, trig, statistics, algebra and arithmatic.
Forum: Middle School Teachers: Collections of Lessons has
a wide selection of lesson plans for middle school students. This
is a valuable resource for middle school math teachers.
School Net, has a long list of sites organized by topics -
general, algebra, geometry, and tessellations. Some of the sites
have a one line annotation. This is a good site to look for specific
resources for the middle school student.
Notes and
Literature on Prime Numbers, has some very useful information
about prime numbers including the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
Plus Magazine...Living Mathematics,
is an interesting math journal for faculty from middle school
on up. I read an interesting article on "101 Uses of a Quadratic
Equation. Cool.
Numbers, offers an advanced discussion on prime numbers. Great
stuff if you are teaching advanced math in high school.
Math jokes collection
by Andrej and Elena Cherkaev, is a fascinating collection
of math jokes aimed at the professional and high school/college
The Math Humor
Page, is a collection of links to sites with math humor and
jokes. Worth a look.
Interactive Whiteboard
Interactive Whiteboard Games/PBS Kids, is a collection of a group of games for students from PreK through Grade 5.
KS2 Math Games and Resources - Mathsframes, is a collection of190 math games designed by a teacher for teachers.
MathPlayground.com: Math Teaching Videos, has some math games and teaching videos for use with Middle School students.
Math in Daily Life - Pi ,is a short, easy to understand page on what Pi is..
of Trigonometry, is a short page with java diagrams that explain
the applications of trigonometry. This site is a good introduction
to trigonometry.
Just Math Tutorials, is a great site with videos that take students step-by-step through solving a variety of calculus problems. This site is just so perfect for teachers to have as a resource that it is listed on this page under several categories. There are also videos on factoring, trig, statistics, algebra and arithmatic.