Welcome to the Islam page
Islam is a complex religion misunderstood by most non-Muslims. After the 9/11 attacks in the United States, there was a great demand for information about Islam. Almost three years on now, there is still a large amount of misinformation around about Islam. This page will offer some basic information about Islam as well as links to sites that offer more information.
Islam means submission, and a Muslim is one who submits. This Islam is an act of submission or surrender to God. Muslims are required to pray, or offer salat, five times a day. The act of praying is done in the direction of Mecca. God is referred to in Islam as Allah which means God or the God in Arabic.
Islam begain in the 7th century of the current era and rapidly spread throughout the Middle East region. Islam came to Java in the late 1400s and 1500s. At this time, Hindus began to leave Java for Bali. More later...
About Ramadhan:
Muslims all over the world spend the month of Ramadhan fasting from dawn until dusk. They give up sexual relations, drinking, eating, and smoking. Muslims are expected also to control their relations with other people and not get angry, avoid immoral behavior, not swear, and show compassion to everyone. Fasting during Ramadhan is one of the five pillars of Islam. The other four are making the haj pilgrimage to Kaaba, praying five times a day, giving zaakat to the poor, and making the Announcement of Faith.
Muslims awake well before dawn to eat their morning meal which is known as sahur. They then fast until dusk at which time the open their fast with a meal known as iftar. All healthy adults and children from the age of 12 or 13 are expected to fast. Ramadhan occurs during the 9th month of the Islamic calendar which is lunar-based. It lasts for the entire month culminating in the holiday of Eidul-Fitr (Idul Fitri in Indonesian). On Eid, all Muslims congregate to pray, usually in a large field in Indonesia. Afterwards, they return home to visit neighbors and eat. Children traditionally receive presents on Eidul-Fitr, and everyone wears their best clothes. In Indonesia, their is a mass movement of the Muslim population as people return home for the holiday.
The month of Ramadhan was the month in which the Quran, the Muslim Holy Book, began to be revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. The purpose of fasting during Ramadhan is to gain self-control over human needs and impulses and to remember Allah (God).
Closer Look - The Arts of Islam, is a site that I just came
across. More on this site as I get a chance to check it out.
Ancient World Cultures: Early Islam, is another site that
I just came across. More on this site as I get a chance to check
it out.
The Ghazali Project, creates summaries of books, articles and multimedia about Islam and Muslims. It was founded in 2006 with the purpose in increasing the literacy about Islam. There are some useful summaries here for the student of Islam.
How Muslims Pray , is a
page that explains how Muslims pray and what they say. Good information
for non-Muslims.
A Worldwide Religion and Its Impact in Southeast Asia, is
an excellent introduction to Islam and its arrival in Southeast
Asia. Good for Middle School students.
for Today ,
is a website filled with information about how Islam relates
to issues of the day, including women and Islam.
Islam Guide: A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam, is for non-Muslims who want to understand the religion, Muslims and the Qu'ran. It comes in a variety of languages including Spanish, French and Japanese. This website is the web version of the book, A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam. You can download the whole book or read the contents online at this website. This is a good general introduction to Islam for people who have little understanding of the religion other than what they hear on the news. Check it out.
Islam Page - Islam, Muslims, Allah,
Muhammad, Salvation, Jesus, is an excellent source of information
for the non-Muslim who wishes to learn more about Islam. This
site also has a wealth of information for the Muslim who has specific
questions. There are translations of the Holy Qur'an in Swahili,
Dutch, Indonesian, German, Thai, Urdu, Japanese and more. There
are links about the fundamental beliefs in Islam, the Hadith,
prayer, Ramadan, Haj, life after death, signs of the judgement
day, women family and marriage. Check this site out - it could
takes months to go through all the links here.
Awareness, is an interesting site. It has a collection of articles
that address questions and issues frequently raised by Christian Missionaries
and Orientalists.
is another online dictionary for those who want to look up Islamic words
using Latin characters. You can also hear how some of the words are pronounced,
see how they are written in Arabic, and find out some grammatical information
about them as well.
IslamiCity.com - Islam
& the Global eCommunity, is another excellent site on
Islam. It has all of the usual stuff about the Holy Qur'an, Hadith,
prayer times, food, a glossary, and more. What distinguishes this
site is that it carries news items, has an analysis of the news,
has a discussion boards, carries items for sale and still has
more. Definitely check it out.
Liberal Islam Network, is a new
organization in Indonesia that is working to develop a broad-based
understanding of the progressive side of Islam.
Ramadan - Ramadan Awareness
Campaign 2008 - 1429 ,
is a site filled with information on Islam for the Muslim and non-Muslim
alike. There are links for kids, links to find software, videos, lesson
plans for teachers, fasting and prayer schedules for Australia. This
is a very cool site that I just came across today.
Sunni Islam,
is a little website with information about the Sunni stream of Islam. If you want to discover more about Islam, this is a good place to go for some basic information.